Your Lubbock Roofing, Siding or Replacement Window Project Could Be FREE!
Choose Jones & Associates to install your new roof, add siding to your home, or replace your old windows and you could end up getting your entire project (up to a maximum of $10,000)… FREE!
This year four lucky customers will win our “Jones Boys Big Hat” contest, getting their roofing, siding or replacement windows done at absolutely no cost.
Here’s how it works. At the end of every quarter we toss the names of all the qualified customers we have served in the last three months into a big hat, then draw out a winner. That person gets all their money back! (Up to $10,000.)
Simply make the smart choice by hiring Jones & Associates for your home improvement project and, upon the completion of the sale, qualified customers are entered into our next “Jones Boys Big Hat” contest.
What could be better than getting the very best West Texas home improvement work, including roofing, siding and replacement windows and doors, and saving up to $10,000? Make sure you get in on our next “Jones Boys Big Hat” contest by calling today.
Here are links to the individual stories of all our Big Hat Winners. We hope to someday feature your project on this list!
Winner 15- Donelle
Winner 16- Shuey
Winner 17- Wiley